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Leslie Campos

How to Find Success in the Fields of IT and Computer Science

The dream of landing a career in the field of IT or computer science is a very ambitious but rewarding goal. Here at Hackathons International, we love to help young tech-minded folks grow and hone their skills, so we have created this guide about what you’ll need to learn, how you can apply your education and the secrets to a long-lasting and fruitful career in these exciting fields.


While you don’t necessarily need to go to college to excel in IT, it doesn’t hurt to get a degree in computer science, as the professors will teach you the basics and give you a good head start. After that, you can get certified in the area of your choosing, be that CompTIA A+ for general knowledge or CompTIA Security+ if you are interested in cybersecurity. You will also need many soft skills, such as the ability to work as part of a team, a willingness to learn, and attention to detail.

What You Can Do With Knowledge of Computer Science

As technology continues to evolve in our world, there will be more opportunities for those with a knowledge of computer science than ever before. Depending on your skillset, you could be qualified for a number of jobs, including:

Many people who focus on computer science also have an entrepreneurial spirit, so if you are inclined, you could also start your own cyber security or web development company. Doing so requires both people and business skills.

You will also need to create the right type of business entity. Many entrepreneurs go with a limited liability corporation because an LLC is relatively easy to set up, there is less paperwork to complete, and you could have advantages come tax time. If you go this route, use a formation service as they will make sure that you are following all state laws.

How to Find a Job and Succeed

If you want to work for an existing company then start sending your resume to companies that pique your interest. You should also network with professors and students while you are in school because they can get you in the door when the time comes. You could also work as an intern until you learn the ropes, then you can apply for a permanent position.

You may also go to a Hackathon to socialize with like minded individuals, and connect with people who have worked in roles in tech. Usually at Hackathons there are mentoring sessions so you can easily ask any questions you have and prove that you are passionate and a skilled learner. You may also add the projects you worked on onto your resume.

When you do get your foot in the door, you will want to show that you are eager to learn and you should ask questions whenever you need help. Computer science is an evolving field and there will always be more to learn.

If you are interested in the field of IT or computer science then now is the time. Head to school, go to a Hackathon, learn the ropes, be naturally curious and you will succeed. If you are interested in the services and learning opportunities available with Hackathons International, then contact us at the form here.

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Jul 19, 2024

Радий бачити таку тему для обговорення, бо наразі новини стали вкрай важливим аспектом для кожного з нас і тому, дуже круто, що ми тут можемо про це поговорити, та висловити свої думки з приводу останніх подій та новин. Але також не варто забувати про те, що потрібно завжди отримувати новини тільки в якісному новинному порталі, котрий завжди надає актуальні та перевіренні новини. Мені відверто пощастило, що я можу читати новини Іспанії та інших закордонних країн, що надає мені змогу більше розумітися на тому, що відбувається на світовій арені. Але також, я не забуваю читати та слідкувати за новинами своєї країни, котрі зараз дуже важливі для кожного громадянина. Я дуже радий тому, що використовую саме цей новинний портал, бо саме…

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