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  • What is a Hackathon?
    Hackathons are NOT just for programmers. They require collaboration to achieve desirable, feasible, and viable solutions. A Hackathon is a short, pressurized competition where a group come together to design, develop, and demonstrate their ideas on center stage! Usually at the start we give you context about a problem/challenge statement, and then it's up to you to come up with creative ideas! We expect your teams to develop a rough Minimum Viable Product so you can pitch your idea and show the judges what you've come up with on the Sunday afternoon. Read more here.
  • Who can participate in a Hackathon?
    Anyone with an open mindset can participate. Because this is a Hackathon focused around software development and launching business ideas, we need a mix of business, design, technical, creative and industry experts to form teams.
  • I am under 18 years. Can I participate?
    We are sorry but this event is for individuals who are over 18 years only.
  • Do I need to form a team before we join the Hackathon?
    No, we will be giving you time at the start of the Hackathon to network and meet other people. Teams should be between 2-4 members. We encourage you to bring your friends!
  • What do I need to bring to the Hackathon?
    Bring your laptop and charger, notepads and pens, an open mindset and positive attitude!
  • What does my ticket include?
    An unforgettable opportunity formulate an idea and create a product Learn and upgrade your knowledge bank with new skills and tools Access to our Hackathons International tech ecosystem partners (including meeting others in tech, introductions to companies, mentors, and advisors) Meals will be provided on Saturday - lunch and dinner, Sunday - breakfast and lunch
  • Who owns the Intellectual Property of the solution at the Hackathon?
    We don't own anything, you do! We also abide by the Hack Code of Conduct
  • I heard that I can go to a Hackathon where jobs are available. Where can I learn more?
    Yes, our #HackersUnited hackathons are focused on matching participants with final job interviews. Apply to these events if you are interested in trying something new!
For Participants: Services

Access practical templates to help you get the most out of your next Hackathon. Full kit includes video explanations, downloadable samples and glossary for  templates listed below.


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