Hire the best talent while streamlining your applicant process.
Leverage Hackathons as an untapped channel to reach & bring together diverse, qualified, and purpose-driven individuals - driving hiring outcomes at scale
Recruiting the right employee is difficult.
Talent Acquisition Managers shared that even with high applicant volume, the current lengthy and impersonal hiring process makes it hard to find the right candidate.
Saved Time
A hackathon makes it easy to test a large group of applicant skillsets in 48 hours instead of several weeks.
DEI Focused
We partner with local DEI organizations including Girls in Tech and HBCU's to source applicants.
Beyond a Resume
Hackathon workshops and final projects make it easier to see a candidate's skillset beyond their resume. While also giving one the opportunity to meet and speak with participants face to face to see their cultural fit.
Our Solutions
Sponsor a Hackathon
Join one of our 2023 hackathons or work with our team to host your own.
Become a Talent Partner
Let our team be an extension of your sourcing team as we hand pick candidates based on your ideal profile.
At Hackathons International, we produce hackathons to help companies like yours achieve hiring, brand awareness and organizational goals.
- Bee Law, Account Executive at Hackathons International
How Hackathons Help Recruiting and Acquisition Teams!
Hackathons International specializes in creating engaging, online experiences intended for global audiences. We offer three different types of hackathons, each tackling a specific problem with it's solution tailored to your outcomes.
Increase your brand awareness
Whether locally, regionally, or globally, our Hackathon events will help increase your brand awareness and perception among diverse candidates.
*Recommend our CityHacks*
Drive hiring outcomes
Tailor to modern candidate preferences, provide value, and assess applicable & soft skills in our pressurized Hackathon hiring environment.
*Recommend our HackersUnited*
Promote innovation
Leverage our hackathon framework to help individuals work as a team, network, understand challenges, and create meaningful and innovative solutions.
*Recommend our Internal Hacks*
There are five main reasons why companies, organizations, educational institutions, professional association groups, charities and governments run Hackathons - which are also the five reasons why participants enjoy hackathons! Remember: 'T.E.S.T.S.'
Recruiting skilled individuals.
Inform communities about the possibilities.
Bring like-minded individuals together to create a solution.
Demonstrating the potential of emerging technologies
Kick off a new project or solution.
How it works. Remember: it's all about the 'T.E.C.H.'
Talent Identification
Specify which roles you are hiring for and we'll list them up on our marketing materials. We'll also run targeted campaigns to attract the level and skill of talent you are looking for
Participants going to Hackathons are seeking professional growth. You have an opportunity to educate our participants on your employee value proposition and hiring processes.
We work with local DEI tech community groups which are focused on empowering diversity in the workforce to expand your hiring pipeline. This includes groups with gender, ethnicity, and dis/abilities.
Get a list of attendees before, during and after the Hackathon and track their progress. You'll be able to tee up a 1:1 short interview with individuals during the Hackathon to qualify candidates for open roles
Whether you're a data analyst, designer, researcher, developer, budding entrepreneur, student, or just someone who is willing to learn, Hackathons need a mix of diverse people in order for innovation to occur.
Usually teams should comprise of the Minimum Viable Team which consists of the:
Our hackathons can be fully in-person, online or hosted to fit a hybrid event. Teams are expected to develop the following over the hackathon weekend.
- A feature for an existing business (working function)
- OR develop a new technology solution (new business idea from scratch)
Key attendance to sessions include the below - *compulsory attendance*. There will be 2-3 x workshops and we expect you to send 1 team member to attend each workshop.
* Agendas can be modified to fit you and your organizations needs prior to the hackathon. This is an example of our agendas at previous events.
Workshops are often led by sponsors of the hackathon to showcase a development tool or more.
Information Session / Workshop
Thursday from 5:30-7pm
An introduction to the Hackathon
Technology Upskilling Workshop
Hackathon Tips and Tricks
Final Showcase
Sunday from 3-5pm
Participants to present their demo and presentations (4 min each)
Judges to determine winners
What's next for Hackathon
Opening Keynote
Saturday, from 9-10am
Keynote Speaker
Hackathon Logistics and Process
Challenge Statements revealed
Team Registration